awright! i'm really liking the current line-up, and i've already got picks on the dates i can and on the times i can go, hehe.
so, here's how i figure i should go.
October 17, saturday, i should be at market market by 7pm, head to cinema 7 for "Mammoth", starring Gael Garcia Bernal and Michelle Williams, no less. wii. if i can't make it then, then i have to be there on monday, october 18 before 3:15pm, cinema 7. just after lunch, which should be perfect for me.
after that, (assuming it's that short) there's "69 1/2", which is sort of a porn/comedy/musical from what i've read so far, so it should be nothing short of fun fun fun, haha. it starts at 4:30pm though, cinema 6, market market. i might have to miss out on this one if Mammoth is long. tsk.
i shouldn't skip sunday though, "Ang Beerhouse" also looks interesting, and Gwen Garci's in it (albeit her curves aren't very flattering anymore, haha. love her though!). black comedy/satire... hmm, sounds grrreat. :P